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Unlimited Broadband Best Deals

Our unlimited broadband hotpicks

Why should I get unlimited broadband

You may live alone and have regular, predictable data needs, but consider this: A smart phone today is considerably more powerful than a super computer was ten years ago, or than a desktop was even five years ago. The software and data that these devices deal with dwarf the needs of previous years. Nearly all of that data? It feeds through your broadband. With each update of your software or hardware, the need for data grows.

Accounts with set broadband limits still allow you to go over that amount, but they charge inflated rates for it, and the costs can quickly get out of hand. If you share a data plan with anyone else, their decision to stream a movie, or download an app may leave you with little room for what you need online.

The solution? Remove that ceiling altogether. Go unlimited.


What is unlimited broadband

In most cases, “unlimited” is really what it sounds like. You can use as much data as you like for a set fee. It’s worth checking the fine print though, as some companies have a cap set (albeit a high one) or switch to much slower speeds after you reach  certain amount of data.


Real unlimited broadband

Real unlimited broadband is a service that allows you to download or upload as much data as you want, at the advertised speeds, without any kind of cap, change in speed or service… ever.


Do I need real unlimited broadband?

Only you can decide this, but there are a few things to consider. If you engage in activities that require a lot of data – like gaming, streaming movies, downloading music – or you work from home and are online most of the day, then unlimited broadband probably suits your usage needs.

Who offers real unlimited broadband

Many broadband providers now offer real unlimited bandwidth. When you determine which providers are available in your area, check the websites for packages and choose from one that offers unlimited broadband, without any limitations in the fine print.

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