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Green Energy Best Deals

Compare Green Energy Deals

Are green energy and renewable energy the same?

Yes. Green energy is a popular name given to energy that does not result in harmful pollution, and which is renewable and sustainable for the foreseeable future.

Green energy normally includes wind and solar power, and can include a variety of other power generation methods, including biomass, water turbines, and tide-driven generators, among others.


Who are the main green energy suppliers?

The main green energy suppliers include Green Star Energy, Ecotricity and Green Energy. Each of these, and others, can be compared at

These companies provide sustainably-sourced energy to the national grid, and it is then distributed throughout the UK.


Is being green more expensive?

At this time, the answer is yes in most cases. It is quite a lot cheaper than it used to be, however, and the downward trend will likely continue. As more users demand green energy, prices can decrease due to the economy of scale. Likewise, advances in technology for processes and materials continue to bring costs down.

Can I still compare green prices on a prepayment meter?

You can still compare energy prices and switch to a greener prepayment deal, but it will still be higher than a fixed rate contract.


What are the main types of green energy source?


Solar energy captures the power of the sun and converts it into energy using photovoltaic cells. Solar energy ebbs and flows with the amount of sunlight available, so a battery system is usually used to store excess power from peak times for use during the night and overcast conditions.


Turbines are turned by the power of the wind, and electricity is generated from the mechanical power produced. Like solar, wind power works very well in optimal (windy) conditions, but a power storage scheme is needed to store excess peak-time power for times when the wind is not strong enough to generate sufficient power – or too strong for the turbine to safely spin in it.


The force of gravity drawing water downward is harnessed in much the same way it has been for hundreds or years. In modern times, however, millwheels have been replaced with turbines and generators. Though the energy itself is renewable, construction of hydroelectric dams is often criticised for being environmentally damaging.


As heat energy forces steam and hot water up to the surface, geothermal energy devices can harness it to harvest the heat for building temperature regulation, or to generate electricity. Though the source of this energy is massive, the places where it is available is limited.


Ingenious devices to capture energy and convert it to electricity are being used or tested in a variety of situations. The motion of waves, the tides, and even hot hydrogen fusion are all being harnessed to varying degrees of success. None of them, however, has yet reached the same levels of success as the sources listed above.


The national power grid is fed by both traditional and renewable sources of energy. If promoting and using green energy is important to you, you have options, and your choices might just send a positive environmental message to decision-makers and industry leaders alike.

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