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How Much Do Ground-Mounted Solar Panels Cost UK?

Understand the true costs of ground-mounted solar panels.

Published: September 28, 2022 Author: Matt Jackson

Scalable technology is one of the best things about solar power.

Generation of electricity is possible in places as small as the top of a streetlamp, to as vast as a solar farm.

Residential PV on rooftops is common, but there has recently been an increased interest in domestic ground-mounted solar panels.

Cost of Ground Mounted Solar Panels

The cheapest option for ground mounted solar panels is to use tubs; but the best option is raised steel frames.

This is because the height and pitch of raised frames ensure less shade and vegetation interference and no maintenance.

The cost of a raised system without a trench; once you include the inverter, meter, and installation, will total approximately £14k-15k or £2.35 p/per watt.

The ground mount system can be up to 35% more expensive than roof panels. However, they can be more cost-effective if placed against a fence or building and braced on fixed structures.

However, for rooves with enough space for panels that face South, East, or West, this should always be your first option, even if you doubt your roof will support it.

Ground-mount panels are set in metal frames and secured by concrete or piledriven foundations.

With enough land and optimal orientation, the main advantage of ground mounts, which isn’t possible on rooftops, is the maximisation of solar generation.

Planning Permissions for Panels

Before ground mount installation, the two biggest obstacles are grid approval and planning permission.

Your supplier should liaise with the grid network and planning office on your behalf.

Most ground-mounted solar arrays need planning permission unless under 9m2 and under other restrictions.

Unlike residential rooftop installations, District Network Operator grid connection permission is necessary for all systems larger than 16A per phase.

How much land do you need?

The system should be 10kWp and your usage 10,000kWh annual minimum in ground-mounted domestic solar panels to make them financially viable. For example, you may need a 10kWp system in a single-phase property and 20-30kWp in a 3-phase property.

What to do with the surrounding ground?

Ground-mounted panels are usually raised about 0.5m above the ground.

It is a personal choice as to how the space below is left:

  • You can allow grass or wildflowers to seed which, provided they don’t overgrow or cause shade over the panels, are great for pollinators.
  • You could also lay weed matting or any surface that increases solar generation.

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